Tournament 2010 – June 19th & 20th

TOURNAMENT 2010 APPLICATION FORM. Please find the application to our 2010 Annual Tournament by clicking on 2010 Tournament Application Form
This is our 13th annual tournament, which is recognised as the largest and best organised in the Chase Area. Over 170 teams – boys and girls – compete over 2 days within excellent facilities with large

pitches and car parking all off road. All new teams and old friends will be welcomed.

Disappointingly, despite announcing to the world on this website in early July that our 2010 tournament would continue to be the third weekend in June, another club has decided to move theirs to the same date even though their own website states their tournament is every 2nd weekend in June! We will ensure, as usual, that EVERY age group will be at its full complement as in previous years.

Any queries please call Candy on 07917191263.

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Tournament Main Sponsor – EMD Grounds Maintenance & Landscapes

Tournament Main Sponsor – EMD Grounds Maintenance & Landscapes

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Tournament Update

Tournament Update

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