Tesco Girls Football Week June 22 – 28, 2009

I am pleased to announce that the Club is working with Staffs FA and Tescos to support the above week by having an Open Evening at Great Wyrley Performing Arts High School, 6.30 until 8.00 on Monday 22nd June.

Girls from the age of 5 upwards are invited to attend – existing Club members or girls looking to find out more about the game are all welcome.

There will be a number of qualified coaches from within the Club and from Staffordshire FA attending who will be carrying out skills coaching FREE of charge.

Can all Wyrley Girls team managers please publicise the evening within their own teams. All other managers/players/parents/visitors to the site please encourage any girls aged 5  and over to attend.

Further details to follow over the next few weeks.

Keith Hardy, Chairman,Love in the Time of Cholera video

Duets movie Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge film

The Last House on the Left psp Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End trailer

Jack Squad Wild Hogs rip The Baby Juice Express full movie

The Bone Collector the movie

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