Wyrley in the Community at Christmas!

For many years, the club has been collecting Christmas presents for Birmingham Children’s Hospital and, for last year and this, Street Teams charity, based in Walsall.
This morning, club manager and driving force behind the initiative, Jay Rochelle and chairman Keith Hardy, took a ‘few’ gifts down to Street Teams’ offices. These were mainly made up of the very kind donations from Dunelm Cannock donated to us for our initiative together with some amazing toys donated at a huge discount by Matt Smith and others from club members.
There’s still a delivery to do next week of our Amazon wishlist purchases and we have money left to spend early next week to finish off our donation.
A massive thank you to everyone who’s donated, sent us a gift or some cash. It’s going to go a long way. You can see by just today’s delivery how much support we have had this year and we are very grateful for everything everyone has done to make this a success.
Now – the serious part.
Street Teams supports local families who have been affected by child exploitation – an issue that even affects sleepy villages like Cheslyn Hay, Great Wyrley and Essington.
Have a look at the leaflet below to help you spot the signs of exploitation.
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