On Saturday 21st August the Wyrley Tigers U7 played their first tournament as a team and what a atmosphere it was! Si and Gavin have been working very hard with training and the lads have really worked well together.
The event was well supported by the lads parents and families who set up the gazebo and provided snacks and refreshments throughout the morning.
Despite starting with a 3-1 defeat, the lads soon perked up with a magnificant 6-2 win in the second game. They followed this up with a 3-1 win and, finally, a 0-0 draw to round up a very successful day.
This pre-season tournament was a great opportunity for the lads to bond as a team and gain experience of playing with other clubs of their own age. The benefit of playing in a tournament like this will be to motivate the lads for the season ahead.
Well done Tigers – you are on the road to success!! XX