Futsal Team 15/16

News related to Futsal Team 15/16

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Website updated

Website updated

The website has been updated to show teams as at 2015/16 season. The teams will be updated as they are confirmed....


There will be a LADIES NIGHT held in the club house long lane essington on Friday 10th April 2015. Tickets cost £10 with first drink…...
3 new FA Mentors for Club!

3 new FA Mentors for Club!

The Club now has 5 qualified FA Mentors. Well done to Stewart Wood, Kieran Newey and Jeff Sutton who all passed the course last night!...
Wyrley teams – England mascots

Wyrley teams – England mascots

Our Under 9s Lions boys and Under 10s Girls Panthers teams were delighted to be mascots at the England v Latvia Futsal international held at…...
Lion’s play futsal at St Georges Park!

Lion’s play futsal at St Georges Park!

Last Saturday afternoon Wyrley Lion’s Under 12’s were asked if we were willing to help The FA in coaching some coaches in the finer arts…...
Qualified Futsal coaches!

Qualified Futsal coaches!

Congratulations to Jeff Sutton, Stuart Wood and Kieran Newey, club coaches who all passed their Level 2 in futzal at St George’s Park at the…...
Wyrley Futsal team

Wyrley Futsal team

The Club has set up a Futsal Centre and it’s team competed in its first tournament last weekend. The centre has coaches Jeff Sutton and…...
