Under 12s Tigers 15/16

News related to Under 12s Tigers 15/16

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Website updated

Website updated

The website has been updated to show teams as at 2015/16 season. The teams will be updated as they are confirmed....


There will be a LADIES NIGHT held in the club house long lane essington on Friday 10th April 2015. Tickets cost £10 with first drink…...
U11 Tigers & Ladies Reserves require players

U11 Tigers & Ladies Reserves require players

Our Under 11s Tigers, Walsall Junior Youth League Division 1 team, is looking for a couple of players to complete its squad. Contact John on…...
U11s Tigers looking for players.

U11s Tigers looking for players.

Our Walsall Junior Youth League Division 1 team U11s Tigers is looking for 2 or 3 more players to complete its squad. Level 2 coach.…...
U10s Tigers Champions

U10s Tigers Champions

Well done to our U10 Tigers who won Div 2 of the Walsall Junior Youth League yesterday....
Under 10s Tigers looking for players

Under 10s Tigers looking for players

Our Under 10s Tigers are looking for 2 defenders to complete their squad. Please contact John on 07861379214 for more information....
Players wanted for U9s Tigers

Players wanted for U9s Tigers

Our U9s Tigers are looking for 2 players to add to a quality squad. For more information contact John on 07861379214....
Under 9s Tigers (2012/13 season)looking for new players.

Under 9s Tigers (2012/13 season)looking for new players.

Our U9s Tigers (2012/13 season) are looking for 2 players to complete their talented squad. Ideally a defender or midfielder. For more information contact John…...
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