Club providing free CPR training for its players.

The Club is again supporting World Restart A Heart Day by proving CPR training for our young people.
Training will be given at the clubhouse on October 16th by West Midlands Ambulance Service.
The evening will be organised as follows:
1800-1845 – Under 7s/Under 8s
1845-1930 – Under 9s/Under 10s
1930-2015 – Under 11s/Under 12s
2015-2100 – Under 13s/Under 14s
2100-2145 – Under 15s/Under 16s
Each session lasts 30 minutes, leaving plenty of time for the changeover between groups.
Parents of players in the above age groups should also get details and places can be booked through them.
This is a very valuable free development opportunity for our young people – please encourage your players to take it up.
Proud to be Wyrley! More than a football club!
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