Our 38th member of the Club’s 100 Club is Helping Hands Accountants!
They are a local firm, specialising in computerised accounts, book keeping, payroll, tax and VAT, providing support for sole traders and partnerships.They are based in Suite 3, Watling Chambers, 214 Watling Street, Bridgtown WS11 0BD and can be contacted on 01543 302839 or helpinghandsgem@hotmail.co.uk They are fantastic supporters of the club and have kindly donated funds to the club as they recognise the efforts that the club is putting in to raise funds for Harrison’s. Thank you so much Terry and Gemma at Helping Hands!!
Members of the 100 Club get an advert on here and a pinned advert for 4 days on our Facebook page. They will also be detailed with the other 99 members on a permanent board to be placed in the new changing rooms at Harrisons when built – in return for a £100 + VAT donation.If you would like to become a member or know someone who would, please leave a comment/message here or contact Keith on 07836202764.Thanks again for the support Helping Hands – your support is invaluable to the club!