Please find below a list of managers attending & the information you will need . Any questions just give me a call. You will enjoy it & learn a lot. Guys all places gone thanks.
Date: Tuesday 17th March
Time: 6.30pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Great Wyrley FC, Hazel Lane, Great Wyrley, Walsall, WS6 6AA Strange Wilderness video
Facilities: Clubhouse (theory), grass pitch (practical)
Clothing: Trainers (for indoor), boots, and suitable clothing to take part in the practical sessions Octopussy hd
The session will start with Dennis Mortimer giving a PowerPoint presentation in the clubhouse, followed by approximately 90 minutes of practical work on the pitch, and a de-brief and Q&A to finish.
Keith Hardy .
Fast, Cheap & Out of Control release
Martin Millard
Ade Sheppard
Andy Wilding
Martin Davies
Martin Cooper
Andy Coleman
Martin Moore
Dave Wilson
Mick Fanning