Bridging the gap sessions

Please find below a list of managers attending & the information you will need . Any questions just give me a call. You will enjoy it & learn a lot. Guys all places gone thanks.

Date:                Tuesday 17th March

Time:               6.30pm – 9.30pm

44 dvdrip

Venue:             Great Wyrley FC, Hazel Lane, Great Wyrley, Walsall, WS6 6AA Strange Wilderness video

Facilities:         Clubhouse (theory), grass pitch (practical)

White Dog divx

Clothing:          Trainers (for indoor), boots, and suitable clothing to take part in the practical sessions Octopussy hd


RoboCop 3 trailer

           The session will start with Dennis Mortimer giving a PowerPoint presentation in the clubhouse, followed by approximately 90 minutes of practical work on the pitch, and a de-brief and Q&A to finish.

Keith Hardy .

Donald's Snow Fight trailer

Fast, Cheap & Out of Control release

Martin Millard

Ade Sheppard

Andy Wilding

Martin Davies

Martin Cooper

The Creature Walks Among Us ipod

Andy Coleman

Martin Moore

Dave Wilson

Dead Man’s Folly movie

Mick Fanning

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